We will prepare your recording at the most suitable location, with the most appropriate tools for the best end result! Before recording, we always consult with our partners so that we can start the process with the planned, ready speech in mind.

High Definition Audiophile Recording and Mixing _cc781905-5c de-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ - classical, contemporary, jazz and popular music projects
We plan the recording process in accordance with your musical idea. Let's create a sound image that matches the previously formed musical concept, taking into account the artistic aspects corresponding to the style.
If you choose us, you can rest assured
Our colleagues are qualified and have a lot of practice and experience. We consider clear and clear communication with all contributors to be a priority, so that a recording can be made in accordance with the ideas. With our careful and responsible work, we help our partners to create impeccable audio material.
Premium tools
Our professional equipment park ensures that the implementation of technical ideas does not run into obstacles. We help you navigate through the various options. In addition to recommending specific solutions, we also familiarize you with the characteristics, thereby giving you an idea of what the sound experience will be like.
Should you choose a studio or an external location?
For the location of the recordings , we can provide a professionally equipped studio space with flexible equipment, so it is possible for the production to be received by the studio and not to transport the technical equipment to an external location, because the latter involves a significantly higher investment it can take time and work. Of course, we are also happy to take care of audio recording tasks planned for external locations, in each case according to prior consultation, so that we can propose the best solution according to the customer's needs.

Recording and post-production in one hand?
It can be beneficial if a team prepares the recording and performs the post-production tasks, because this way, from the beginning, the technical solutions can be planned with the end result in mind. Of course, we also undertake partial tasks, but primarily we are available to our customers in complete projects.
Concert recording
We make a multitrack audio recording of your concert remotely with our studio system. We pay great attention to the features of the location and the technical and artistic needs, keeping in mind the aspects of later mixing and mastering.

Why choose Sundwork?
- expertise, experience, professional tools and location
We have a complete overview of the recording and mixing processes and have a lot of experience. We also have insight into the performance, artistic and technical fields. We support our clients with a creative attitude, constructive suggestions and ideas so that the best possible audio material can be produced.

Concert Budapest
- technical cooperation
"We have been working together with Mihály Kádár for many years in the Family Elf series of Concerto Budapest. Without Mihály's professional knowledge, precision and dedication, the sound experience of the concerts could not have been of such high quality. We particularly needed his experience and professionalism during the streaming performances during the Covid epidemic, where the audience could receive the sound quality necessary for their full entertainment with his contribution. Thank you for allowing us to work together, and I hope we can count on your expertise at many more lectures."
- Gábor Iván, music editor and host of the Manó series
Saint Ephrem Men's Choir
- technical and artistic cooperation
"Two things are best about the Soundwork team - detailed planning and a good ear! We always feel safe on stage when we can work together - for more than 10 years!"
Sonus Foundation
- concert sound recording, sound recording
"Precise preparation, reliability, attention to the last detail for the best quality - this is what characterizes Mihály Kádár and his team. We think of them first when it comes to concert recordings, CDs, and streaming."